Saturday, April 4, 2009

Home at the RMH

Eleanor was discharged yesterday morning after having another morning with physical therapy and walking. She was glad to be back at the Ronald McDonald House and spent the afternoon playing on the playground equipment. She discovered that she is able to wheel herself up the ramp and then turns herself around and lets herself roll down. She ends up going quite fast in the end and of course loves it; Grandma and Mom try not to watch. Eleanor also enjoyed swinging this afternoon. The Ronald McDonald House is a great place with many amazing families and volunteers. Dinner is provided every night by different volunteer groups and there is usually an activity or art/craft project afterward. Eleanor does not want to miss a thing. Tonight she fell asleep at dinner (she had a hard time sleeping last night), but managed to wake up enough to complete her art project before going to bed. She would not miss it!

We managed to explore a little today. We walked up the street to the Lexington Market which houses the famous Faidley's seafood. Those familiar with the show The Wire may recognize the name. It was definitely an interesting experience. There was every type of food imaginable in one building and it was packed! I have done a lot of traveling and have never seen anything quite like it. I am sure we will visit often as I have found something worth giving up my latte habit. It was a juice booth that had about 40 different combinations. It reminded me of Equador where the juice was simply fresh fruit blended as you ordered. (The only difference was the plastic cup vs the community glass where it is simply refilled for the next person.) Eleanor chose watermelon, papaya and pineapple while Maureen had watermelon, kiwi and banana. Both were amazing and Margaret claimed both as her own. We didn't try the seafood today, but will have to experience before leaving.

Dan and Henry have arrived home and are adjusting to a much quieter household. Dan will be sending out a package with the camera cable so we will finally be able to post pictures!


  1. First for Eleanor - how wonderful you are back at RMH and enjoying yourself. It sounds like you are having a good time on the playground and found a great way to slide down the ramp! You are using your walker very well to get around too - great job! You are well on your way to healing up from this surgery and getting stronger every day. Your trip to the Lexington Market sounded like a lot of fun - I bet you will be going there again!
    For Alsion - thank you for taking the time to keep us updated. I am very appreciative of that. I can only imagine how busy you are and finding time to post updates must be most difficult. I especially enjoyed reading about your recent outing to the Lexington Market. I had never heard of the Lexington Market before and googled it - what a great place! I'm sure you'll be going back again a few times before you are ready to head home. All in all things sound good in Baltimore. Prayers will continue to see you all safely through this and back home again soon! With much love to all, Missy

  2. To Miss Incredible...I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. You are very brave and teaching lots of people to look at the sunny side of life. I am a friend of your Grandma Diane and helped her make your fixator pants, hope you like them. Lots of wishes and prayers for continued progress. Sue Ebert

  3. Awww, sounds like you haven't missed a beat on your adventures! Orion wishes he had a wheelchair to ride in! I'm so glad you guys are back at "home" so at least you can sleep more comfortably as the Bennett girls altogether. I can't wait to hear Eleanor's trip report in person...does she have a journal? I bet you are all relieved to have the first hurdle behind you. Much love and kisses and thanks for the lovely, eloquent updates!
