Thursday, April 30, 2009

I just wanted to apologise for the format. I really did have paragraphs, but everything changes when I post...hope you will still be able to read it!
Above are a few more photos from our week. I love the one with the Eleanor the Incredible cookie; thanks John and Diane! The other is really self explanatory and sums up our 5 hour therapy experience. We love our grandmas and grandpas!


  1. Hi, Eleanor! It's so wonderful to hear that you are doing so great! Your progress is amazing, and we hope it continues to be so. Your mom is amazing, too. We're so glad to see the pictures of you all. We're happy, too, that you liked your cookie bouquet, and that you were able to share it with your friends. We're thinking of you and your whole family every day. I know your Grandma Diane will be coming tomorrow, and I bet you'll have a great visit with her. Once again, Alison, you are an outstanding mom! Thanks for keeping all of us so well informed. Much love to all of you!
    John & Diane

  2. Dear Eleanor, Margaret and Mom,

    Greetings from Scott Street! Thank you for the blogs and the pictures.

    Your daddy (and husband) as been working very hard on your backyard. We're not sure what he's doing...we're too lazy laying around on our deck to get up and look....but we hear lots of hammering and drilling. Mabye he's making a space ship...? That's what Kai thinks, anyway.

    We hung up a front porch swing! We sit on it in cuddle piles with pillows and blankets, and think its about the closest thing to heaven there could be.

    We had visitor's from France last week, and your daddy helped by watching Maisy. Unfortunately, Maisy has become a bit...codependent...dug a hole under your fence and got her head stuck in it. She's fine. Your daddy put a big rock in the hole and everything is back to normal. (eek!)

    In other news, the grass, flowers and boys continue to grow, as we're sure Margaret and Eleanor are, too. We can't wait to hug you and see your big smiles again. We sure do miss you.


    We're very proud of Henry as we heard he ran a triatholon this morning!

  3. Shannon, Michelle and KaiMay 10, 2009 at 7:26 AM

    P.S.Happy Mother's Day, sweet Alison. You're gold.
