Sunday, February 2, 2014

Back to the Blog and Lengthening

     After a five year break from Eleanor's lengthening journey, here we are again. It has been a wonderfully busy, normal life (for us) hiatus. Eleanor is an active, athletic, intelligent and average child who you would never guess has been through any of the previous posts. She loves school, ballet, soccer and her friends. We have been busy keeping up with Eleanor, Henry and Margaret as well as our new additions of Ingrid and Maeve. Dan started and finished graduate school. We have moved. What haven't we done in the last five years?
     Eleanor is now 9 and as she grows, her left leg does not keep up with the same rate of growth. She once again has a 5cm difference, which is now coming from her tibia and fibula. As such, we find ourselves in Florida with Dr. Paley once again.
     Dr. Paley moved to Florida shortly after Eleanor's last lengthening. We have been following up with him annually here in West Palm Beach ever since. Last year's visit brought the news that we could lengthen at any time. Of course, we decided winter would be an ideal time to be in Florida. Lengthening once again means relocating for 3 months for surgery and intensive physical therapy during the distraction or lengthening phase.
     After a family road trip and getting settled into a condo with a side trip to the Florida Keys, Eleanor had surgery January 7th. All went well and Eleanor surprised no one by walking the entire length of the hall her first time out of bed. Could there be a more determined girl than Eleanor? She is truly incredible and always amazing to watch.
Here she is walking the halls. First time up!

Pre-surgery trip to the keys. 


  1. Oops! Enjoy all the extra pictures (again and again.) The later are of Eleanor at therapy and in the long ago abandoned wheel chair. More updates to come!

  2. Hi Alison,

    Glad to hear that things are going well - and boy did you pick a good winter to head to Florida! I'm looking forward to more updates.

